
The After Many Days Club is the University's longest-running Alumni Club, pre-dating even the General Council's Alumnus Association. In 1992 it celebrated its 100th anniversary. It had met even before 1892 but was reconstituted in that year and has been going ever since. We now have well over 1500 members worldwide.

Taking its name from the title of a poem about the University by R.F. Murray, the Club invites and encourages alumni to revisit St Andrews, to renew contacts with student friends and, even after many days, to make new friends. In doing so the Club is enabled to raise funds to use for the advancement of all aspects of education within the University and to support cultural and sporting activities too.


AMDC Winter Luncheon 2025

The AMDC Winter Luncheon will be held on Saturday 1st February 2025 in The New Golf Club, St Andrews. Please join us for a delicious meal, good company and stunning views across the 18th fairway of the Old Course.

AMDC Reunion Weekend 2025

The AMDC AGM and reunion lunch will be held over the University's Alumni Weekend Friday 27th - Sunday 29th June 2025. More details to follow.


We are delighted to be able to share

a wonderful video

accompanying the poem "After Many Days".

It was created by Forrest Pando, MLitt Film Studies, University of St. Andrews, and Zaynah Akeel, M.A. Film Studies, University of St. Andrews.




Full Life Membership is open to any former student of the University of St Andrews whose first matriculation, at any university, was at least 25 years before the date of application to the Club, and to any past or present member of staff of the University. If you matriculated more recently, but at least 3 years ago, you can become an Associate (non-voting) Member. Read More